Should trust distribution shares determine the Trustees?

My wife's mother recently changed her trust distribution to give my wife and two brothers an 81% share of the distribution. All of her siblings were informed of this and did not object.

The current co-trustees have been so designated for the last 15 years. They are a different brother and a sister who between them now only have a total of 4% of the distribution. This brother and sister have an okay relationship with my wife but have had ongoing (20 year) feuds with the two brothers who share the 81% distribution. This seems like a perfect recipe for a total disaster when her mother passes.

We have tried to convince her mother that she at least needs to make my wife a co-trustee because she can bridge the two factions. The two brothers who share the 81% distribution also desperately want her to be at least co-trustee if not the only trustee.

What guidance would you give my wife?

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Oct 19, 2014
Talk to mom
by: Mo

I hate to sound simplistic, but it seems your wife should share her concerns with her mom. Perhaps even suggest discussing the potential problems with an experienced estate attorney. Luckily the problems can be avoided still at this point.

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